2 Shawwal 1446 - 1 April 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Bussma Real Estate

Bussma Real Estate

Listed in :
Real Estate > Property Management
Real Estate > Real Estate Auctions
Real Estate > Real Estate Marketing

Bussma Real Estate Company is a Saudi limited liability company which was launched in the early of 2008. It was founded by a group of investors along with others who have experience and specialization in the real estate field, where the idea of ​​establishing the company was born through studying the real estate market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and meeting the needs that help in turn in developing the real estate activity. Furthermore, Bussma carries out several specialized works in the real estate field, such as valuing, providing studies and research, marketing real estate products, property management and many strategic services of quality and superior planning.

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Sandra Boateng Thursday 21 June, 2018 4:48 pm
I am looking for a two bed two bath apartment

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