17 Jumada II 1446 - 18 December 2024
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Alkhuraiji factory for Perfumes

Alkhuraiji factory for Perfumes

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Fashion and Beauty > Perfume & Cosmetics

Come and experience that was born determination they made ​​them her passion for language proficiency her professionalism implementation. Yes Our world administrative is clear ideas in the minds of cadres enthusiastic decreed by the new path in the highest standards of excellence Vholna data this industry to a successful experiment ensured in itself strong position that we aspire to and which brought with it all the advanced technology in the manufacture of perfumes, which helped in the momentum of production and keep up with increasing requirements because they relied on the most important factors for success and effectiveness of the force, which integration Which was established from the outset and tangible been applied Hoaqaa the parties contest the implementation in all areas aromatic .. As well as body care products and cosmetics, antiseptics and disinfectants The world of the perfume industry in a factory Khuraiji able to helm success diligently through the continuous updating of views and ideas, as well as comprehensive quality control and own the latest technologies, which worked on the cadres of professional formulated creations and listed options Vhazat the highest quality certifications (ISO WHO), which confirmed through strict compliance with the regulations for product safety and excellence that the world of the perfume industry here has established standards exceptional values

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Khim Wednesday 3 August, 2022 11:06 am
Shaik Mohammed Rafee Sunday 2 February, 2020 12:51 pm
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Zulekha Adan Thursday 22 February, 2018 7:04 pm
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