1 Shawwal 1446 - 31 March 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Al-Bayt Real Estate Development

Al-Bayt Real Estate Development

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Real Estate > Contracting & Constructions

Al-Bayt is a closed stock real estate development company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2003, Al-Bayt operated as a limited liability company with a capital base of SAR 100 million. It is a leading company in the real estate development in Kingdom and has accomplished great achievements in field of real estate and land development. Al-Bayt has achieved an immense residential and commercial projects distinguished by modernity, innovation and simplicity to satisfy its clients’ needs. Al-Bayt in its future plans and strategy strives to accomplish many of real estate projects to keep pace with increasing demand for residential real estate in the Kingdom.

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IMAM HOSSEN Sunday 5 June, 2022 3:01 pm
Head of human resources

Sub: Application For Post of civil Site Engineer /Civil foreman/supervisor / Autocad draftsman.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I Would Like to introduce myself to you as believe I have the skills, qualifications, and Experience necessary to make a significant contribution to your organization.

I have complete Diploma in Civil Engineering from Feni Ideal Polytechnic Institute. My Keen interest in Civil Engineering has enabled me to develop an good knowledge of Civil C
Rizwan Khan Wednesday 22 December, 2021 5:56 am
Dear Sir / Mam,
Please check if there is a possibility of cooperation between us as we are a manpower supply Co. from India.
If your’s is a Recruitment Agency or Freelance, we pay a good commission to our overseas agencies, thanks.
Rizwan Khan – خان رضوان
Zafco HRM
Mob.: +91 9650 5880 72 (wup)
Our Associate in UAE Mr. Irfan Khan +971 54 753 9847
muhammed nurul Islam Thursday 10 June, 2021 11:29 pm
Dear sir,

We are informed that your company need skilled (civil, mechanical and electrical) and non skilled labor.

If you need workers please contact us & send me your offer price with terms and conditions.

Thanks and best regards,

Al mutanamia Est
MD: Nurul Islam
Mobile : 0507804251 Email:shahinshahnoor1981@gmail.com
Kashan Recruiting Agnecy Monday 7 June, 2021 12:17 am
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
‏صبحكم الله بالخير واليمن والبركات
معكم محمد یونس
مدير التنفيذي لفرع السعودية لمكتب كاشان للاستقدام ولتوفير عمالة مهنية (للمؤسسات والشركات)ومنزلية
(سائق خاص،عامل منزلی) من الباكستان
نتشرف فيكم ع أي استفسار ع الخاص او عام
.ونتمنى منكم إعطاءنافرصةلخدمتكم بتوفير قوة البشرية المذكورةأعلاه
ودمتم بخير
کاشان ریکروتنك ایجنسی
رقم الرخصہ 3075 الباكستان
التسجيل من القنصلية السعودية في إسلام أباد وكراتشي 2249

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