23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Saudi Chemical

Saudi Chemical

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Business & Money > Petrochemical Industries

Saudi Chemical Company, a Saudi Joint Stock Company with a paid capital of 632,400,000 SAR, was founded in 1972 as the first civil explosive manufacturing company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and immediately served as a domestic and an international provider of civil explosives for applications such as rock blasting for road cuts, foundations, trench blasting for oil and water pipe lines, tunneling for roads, mining and oil exploration. The company owns three factories located on Central, Eastern, and Western regions, in addition to a distribution store in Southern region. During the last four decades, the company was able to provide the local market with all necessary and supporting material for all civil explosives uses for infrastructure development and construction projects. It is worth mentioning that the company's activity is not limited to production of civil explosives, but also will be extended to include military explosives and demilitarization processes.

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Mohammed Ayub Khan Sunday 29 August, 2021 2:54 pm
As an experienced project/Construction manager with a proven record of delivering mega projects to the satisfaction of the client, my goal is to leverage my skills and knowledge for the growth and the success of the company and myself.

I am looking forward to meet the client to share the insights of the completed projects and ideas that will be utilized to complete the assigned tasks as per the requirement and satisfaction of the Company.

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