23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Al Tazaj

Al Tazaj

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Tourism & Hospitality > Restaurants
Tourism & Hospitality > Restaurants > Fast Food

The first “Al Tazaj” restaurant opened in the Holy City of Mecca in 1989 in Al Aziziyah Main Road. The initial idea behind this endeavour was to sell small chicken (Aged 23 days) fresh from Al Fakih Poultry Farm.

In addition, the chickens used were marinated in a natural blend of garlic, tomato, lemon, ginger and spices and are barbecued on coal. Therefore, we have no secret recipe! With all thanks to God, the Al Tazaj franchise grew and spread to cover the region of the middle east with more than 100 restaurants.


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FOUAD ABED ALI Tuesday 17 November, 2020 9:22 am
Fri, 13 Nov at 12:27

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United Kingdom

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