2 Shawwal 1446 - 1 April 2025
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Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Ministry of Municipal Affairs

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Government Sectors > Ministries

The Establishment and Development of the Ministry:


This Ministry is considered the technical, financial and administrative advisor for all the local councils in the Kingdom. It also supervises the functions of municipal and the joint services councils, to make sure that the work of these councils are in line with the current laws, regulations and instruction.


The Ministry of Municipal Affairs was established on 13/2/1965 under the name of the Interior Ministry of Municipal Rural and Environmental Affairs. The name changed in 1980 and became the Ministry of Municipal Rural and Environmental Affairs. In 2002 The name changed and became The Ministry Of Municipal Affairs.


The Ministry supervises all activities related to the local administrative issues of the municipal councils in terms of providing services and all regulatory issues, as well as the implementation of local development projects, and the coordination of the activities and plans of these councils, to be in line with developmental issues in the entire Kingdom.


The Ministry also functions as the technical, financial and administrative advisor for all the municipal councils, and supervises, through its apparatus and teams, the action of the councils and the local organizations to make sure that their actions are in line with the current laws and regulations.


The Ministry’s Duties:

The major duties of the Ministry can be summarized in the following:


  1. Establishing, supporting and developing local councils. This includes the following:
  • Assisting in providing the necessary financing for vital projects, be they service-oriented or developmental, which the special budgets of municipalities cannot afford.
  • Providing technical advice for municipalities in as far as projects of new constructions are concerned, and preparing the designs, the technical specifications and the tender documents for these projects, as well as supervising and disbursing funds on the project stages to be implemented.
  • Directing the budget of each municipality so that the budget constitutes the executive administration for a long-term policy.
  • Supporting and developing the technical, administrative and financial apparatuses of municipalities and providing them with the necessary skills capable of planning and programming service and developmental projects, as well as assisting in providing the skills by holding training courses and seminars.
  • Setting the dates for municipal elections and determining the number of members in municipal councils, and, when necessary, recommending the cancellation of councils.
  • Monitoring the municipalities’ actions in the administrative, financial and technical areas and directing their apparatus towards the best way to work and to perform their tasks.


  1. Preparing urban studies within the framework of regional planning in order to realize the desired organizational, housing, services, and developmental situation.
  2. Preparing the organizational structural plans for cities, villages and housing areas, and assisting in the preparation of detailed plans or their amendment for all cities and villages in the Kingdom, as well as conducting the necessary surveys and field studies.
  3. Finally, the Ministry is considered a link between the Cabinet, the ministries and the other institutions on one hand and the local councils on the other hand.


The Ministry Performances


Solid Waste Management Core:


  1. The comprehensive plans of north and middle regions derived from the national strategy of Solid Waste management have been prepared and authorized.
  2. Currently, we work to updating and studying the feasibility study of Akader dunghill.
  3. We have prepared a factory to produce treated organic fertilizers from Animals dung in Husaininat dunghill (Al Mafraq Region) supported by Canadian and Switzerland governments, carried out by UNDP program.
  4. Akader dunghill infrastructure has been rehabilitated and developed; i.e. roads, buildings and lighting, and establishing Engineering padded cell for solid waste of 50,000.00 SQMs. Such issue is financed by Canadian Government and carried out by UNDP.
  5. We authorized sorting and restoring all hardware and recyclable materials in the dunghills.
  6. Completing civil works to establishing olive trash Station in Akader Dunghill.


Computing Core:


  1. Currently, we are completing the last stage of buildings and lands tax development project (.....). The service has been connected to 300 collection centers so far, at performance rate of 93%. Buildings data has been entered in full as well as verification data and rents in 75, data and vocational licenses in 81. Currently we are completing data entry concurrently with completing the service center supplies to become 320 centers (municipal and regional) by the end of the project; i.e. 31/12/2017, in our way to issue all such E-services by the start of next year.
  2. Currently we are carrying out the computing financial and administrative systems project, concurrently with E-government program and E-transfer program in a way to providing, training and operating 94 municipalities so far and all municipalities before the end of January 2018.
  3. We have supported the infrastructure of all municipalities with devices and necessary equipments for computing projects. We have distributed 500 computers, 350 printers and 100 E-connection devices among Ministries and municipalities and also install computer networks for 36 municipalities.
  4. 81 Cameras (Quick Radar) have been installed in 12 municipalities and currently the final inquiry stage of the project is in process to launch the project officially before the end of current year.


Financial Core in the Municipalities:


  1. Budget size of the municipalities in 2017 is 362 millions JODs
  2. Capital serviceable expenditures are 140 Millions JODs
  3. Municipalities indebtedness to the favor of cities and villages development Bank are 100 Millions JODs.
  4. Ditto to the favor of electric Companies are 22 Million JDs
  5. Al Zarka Municipality owes 8 Millions JODs to Social security Corporation.
  6.  60 Millions JODS of total due debt on Municipalities have been paid.


Services and Infrastructure Core:


  1. Municipalities and services councils have offered tenders to buy Serviceable Machineries; i.e. Loaders, dump trucks and compressors
  2. 73 machineries have been delivered to the Municipalities and further 199 ones shall be distributed in Mid of 2018
  3. 2000 containers have been distributed to the Municipalities and there are 8000 containers which shall be distributed during 1,2/2018 (supply is in process)
  4. Tender to buy 20,000 garbage baskets to be installed on the poles has been awarded.


Institutional Capabilities Building Core:


  1. The Ministry held training courses for it's and municipal personnel; in all works scopes; 104 courses have been concluded so far.
  2. The Ministry held outreach workshops for municipal and local council members and chairs that are selected from all the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan regions. 15 workshops have been held so far.
  3. Cooperative agreements have been signed, relating to capabilities building and training, with the official Universities (Science and tech., Al Husain Ben Talal, Muta, Applied Balqa, Jordanian German Universities) to carry out workshops and courses for the municipal sector personnel. Eight workshops have been held so far.
  4. Ministry services guidebook have been prepared including all procedures to be followed in order to obtain the Ministry services.
  5. It has been approved to establish Training institute to rehabilitate, develop and train the human sources of all municipalities in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 


Municipalities' Developmental Role Core:


Many developmental and productive projects have been carries out in the Municipalities:

  1. The association with private sector (productive branches) in many municipalities, worked to offer work opportunities for the local inhabitants in such regions in 17 productive branch; i.e. Middle, Al Azraq, Mlaih and Lubb, Al Sarhab, Salhiah, Nayefah, Junaid, New Mazar, theban, Maadi, Balama, Rehab, Jeezah, Om Al Rasas, Jarash, Muata, Mazar, Sarhan and Sama Al Sarhan.
  2. Currently we are coordinating with the Ministry of labor to establish productive branches in other regions and we provided them with 25 site to install new  productive branches therein
  3. Financing productive kitchen in Great Ajloun municipality has been authorized to be financed by Infrastructure projects program for regions in 2017
  4. Financing the paper and cartons factory in Al Mafraq Municipalities from Infrastructure projects program for regions in 2017
  5. The project of establishing Heritage building, restaurant, motel via Othmani trend in Al Qadisiah municipality- Dana tour zone, financed by the Gulf grant amounting to JOD350,000.00 and investment thereof shall be in association with private sector
  6. New Olive juicers have been established in the following municipalities (Theban and Aay
  7. Fuel stations have been carried out in 8 municipalities (new al Mazar, Al Hussayniah, Al Jafer, Deesi plot, Safawi, Bani Hameeda mount, New Alia, Al Hallabat)


Administrative Core:


  1. Incoming transactions to the Ministry in 2016 were 45231 transaction     
  2. Incoming transactions to the Ministry in 2017 were 44700 transaction           
  3. Incoming transactions to the Ministry in 2017 from Municipal affairs directorates are 39102.
  4. In 2016 the person who visited the Ministry were 28,000 persons
  5.  In 2017 the person who visited the Ministry were 25,600 persons
  6. In 2017 the person who visited the municipal affairs directorates were 11197 persons.


Regulations Core:


  1. 20 systems have been issued and acknowledged, under municipalities' law No. 41 of 2015, as amended.
  2. The following amendments have also been acknowledged and authorized.
  1. Amending system as to buildings system No. 3 of 2017
  2. Accountability System has been ratified in terms of municipal councils members and presidents no. 82 of 2017.
  3. Rights System has been ratified in terms of municipal councils members and presidents no. 81 of 2017.
  1. Regulations have been issued:
    1. Roof building instructions of 2017
    2. Special regulations to use the residential areas; i.e. 4 regulations.


Also we have prepared the studies of the second stage of the project; to install 440 Cameras to supervise traffic Jams and faulty stopping, cleaning issues inside the municipality borders. 


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