2 Shawwal 1446 - 1 April 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
dmg events

dmg events

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Media & Public Relations > Event Organizers

Headquartered in Dubai, UAE since 1989 with operations in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Singapore, Canada, South Africa and the UK, dmg events is an international exhibitions and publishing company. We attract more than 425,000 visitors to our portfolio of 84 exhibitions each year.

We have expanded our operations to achieve impressive growth in emerging and mature markets by the strategic acquisition of complementary businesses and by geo-cloning our flagship events, where we adapt our core event brands to work across new countries and cultures.

Our 300 member team nurture professional communities for diverse industries including Construction, Energy, Coatings, Transport, Hospitality & Design. Our events are a focal point, supported by conferences, certified workshops, technical seminars and industry publications.

Through all of this work our aim is simple. We want to accelerate business through face-to-face events, which is why we work so hard to bring people together, creating opportunities for them to network, learn and do business.

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