If it's your first time purchasing a luxurious leather handbag or shopping for your next keepsake, you’re probably wondering what signs to look out to ensure that the item you’re about to purchase is genuine.
At Reebonz, authenticity is our priority. The authentication process may be an acquired skill, but all hope is not lost for the debutantes of luxurious pursuits – follow our seven-pointer guideline and you will remain confident of your next branded purchase.
1. Identify date and location codes
Articles from brands like Hermès and Louis Vuitton are often accompanied by date or location codes – a mishmash of alphabets and numbers that are stamped on the leather of the inner linings, or an interior tag.
To identify your article’s manufacturing location and date, you can simply pull up the search bar to enter the code. However, these codes are not a foolproof guarantee to an item’s authenticity.
2. Inspect materials
The tangibles are often a telltale of poor quality, to prevent you from falling into the trap of a designer sham. When the leather is subpar and the hardware unnaturally light, you would know – always go with your gut feeling!
3. Inspect craftsmanship closely
There’s no room for compromise in artisanal craftsmanship. If you spy with your naked eye a stray stitching, crooked cutting or askew hardware alignments (which are all unforgivable giveaways of shoddy craftsmanship), there’s a very likely chance your designer handbag is a bogus.
4. Search for the authenticity card
More often than not, bona fide articles come with an authenticity card that will detail information of the item in speak. The official paperwork that come with luxury timepieces may even provide additional information such as serial numbers, calibres or a gemstone report. However, it is important to realise that while these authenticity cards may be proof, they can easily be forged too.
5. Inspect accompanying accessories
Beyond an authenticity card, you may also check if your purchase comprises of a complete set of accessories to support its genuineness. For brands like Givenchy and Balenciaga, orders are often provided with a material swatch; if it’s missing from your packaging, it could be a counterfeit.
Also, don’t overlook the details! Dust bags may seem like an insignificant indicator, but experts have confirmed that their colours are suggestive of a bona fide purchase.
6. Look for inconsistent combinations
In this day and age, it takes only one click to practice discernment. Before you check out your next prized possession, conducting prior research on the brand can assuage potential risks. For example, identifying any inconsistencies in comparisons of size, material and hardware colour will raise a red flag.
7. Investigate seller’s credentials
When it comes to buying on social platforms, it is always good practice to keep an eye on seller ratings and buyer reviews. To take it further, request for pictures and information from the seller directly; after all, the customer is king! If the seller appears unwilling, something fishy is definitely brewing.
Otherwise, to keep your luxury shopping hassle-free, make your purchase on Reebonz. With a dedicated group of in-house ateliers, we promise 100% authenticity across eight hundred designer brands.