Enjoy your meal at Gourmet Burger Kitchen in Riyadh
With 59 restaurants across UK alone, Gourmet Burger Kitchen or GBK for short continues to grow both locally and internationally, with franchise operations in Ireland, Greece, the UAE, KSA and Oman.
GBK serves up a variety of crafted burgers from the favourite Classic Cheese to the more adventurous Blazing Sombrero, Camemburger and Buffalo.
The menu includes California Burger, Kiwi Burger, Habanero and The Don, The Taxi Driver alongside lamb, cheddar Check and even veggie meals! drinks vary from milkshake varieties from chocolate right up to lime or peanut butter. Side dishes include sweet potato fries with dressing , Chilli Chees Fries and the Delicious Skin on Fries!
Menu include starters such as grilled halloumi, king of rings (a home made rings) and Calamari Rings..
A selection desserts is also in the menu, including Molen Chocolate cake, Strawberry Cheesecake and Brownie Rock slide.
The restaurant is located at Shinjuku Robot Bldg. B2F, 1-7-1 Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku.
The restaurant is located at Beside the Suleimania Fire Station
Tahlia Street, for reservation call: +966-11-4169051