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Eye of Riyadh
Healthcare | Wednesday 20 January, 2021 11:53 pm |

Jeddah International Medical Center Receives King Abdulaziz Award for Quality

The International Medical Center won the Silver King Abdulaziz Award 2020 in the category of Private Health Facilities. The International Medical Center was the only private hospital to win this category.




The King Abdulaziz Award for Quality is the most important award for institutional excellence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia across all sectors, and therefore participation in the award competition is one of the key indicators of adopting quality and excellence by the institutions' leaders and offering products and services that meet and exceed the beneficiaries' expectations.




The award aims to motivate the productive and service sectors to apply comprehensive quality principles and techniques in order to raise the quality of performance, activate continuous improvement of their internal processes, and achieve the beneficiaries' satisfaction.




The King Abdulaziz Award for Quality also aims to honor the best performing institutions by granting them proper recognition at the national level for their achievements and for reaching a distinct rank among the best local institutions.


The Award aims at achieving business excellence by providing an integrated structure for the coordination and management of all performance improvement activities, enabling institutions to assess and compare their current level of performance with that of outstanding institutions worldwide, thus filling gaps between the two levels.




The Award provides specific criteria that enable institutions to measure their performance in several key areas, helping them to continuously improve business to identify, prioritize, organize and review objectives in order to achieve them.




In gratitude for winning this prize, Dr. Walid Fitaihi, the CEO of the International Medical Center stated: "This prize manifests and embodies superb meanings that partake in the building of civilizations. How graceful it is that it carries the name of the Kingdom’s founder: King Abdulaziz- God bless his soul. This prize incentivizes towards positive competition among the participants.  It also aids leading institutions in realizing thier strengths and challenges.  


We also found the committees evaluating entities for this prize to be highly professional. In this alone is great encouragement to institutions to become role models in all they do and an emphasis on thier roles in providing direction to others inspiring to excellence." 




The King Abdulaziz Award for Quality is the culmination of a track record of local, regional and international awards won by the International Medical Center, such as: the United Nations Social Responsibility Report Award, the Best Healing Environment in the Middle East Award , the Best Hospital Design in the Middle EastAward , the King Khalid Award for Responsible Competitiveness, the Mecca Award for Excellence, and the Saudi General Investment Authority Award.


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