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Eye of Riyadh
Business & Money | Monday 16 March, 2015 10:59 am |

M-adcalldigitalco Agreed to a partnership with ALquiyadia advertising group coto enter (Gulf markets)

M-adcall digital co(Made in India) mobile ads platformstarts expanding its business to include the Gulf marketplace
M-adcalldigitalco, Announced today during the global Mobile Phone Conference–based in Barcelona-, its plans to expand the ' uniqueOptional services system at the global marketplaces.
Commencing its global expansion by conclusion of asmart partnership with Alguiyadia advertising group- K S A- based, to provide its services for Gulf region,UAE market is scheduled to be the first stage of extension in the region .
M-adcall won the award for emerging co year 2015, within the digital awards events offered by the Indian Society of the Internet and mobile phones, M-adcall Digital brand considered as a unique solution for users who want to get high-level services and much better than what is available in the marketplace today.
M-adcall Take advantage of how customers interact with mobile devices, before calling , or before playing a game or using a particular application. Through powerful rewards hub , enabling brands to achieve a wider spread, users interact positively with these selected solutions as they interact positively with these ads
Jay Jain, co-founder and CEO of M-adcall digital co, on his speech about this partnership with Alquiyadia advertising group :(We are very excited to see our services are expanding globally and this moment we are proud all of us have seen our significant growth and we offer today more than 45 video ads watch per month for the base of three million user. can be done to strengthen our platform easily through the experiences that we have obtained with the major companies in India.
Mohammed Aljmi said, chief executive of (Alquiyadia group )"The strong and interactive video ads across the service provided by M-adcall digital which offers a full-screen content It will get a great chance in the mega-base of smartphones in our Gulf marketplace ..ALquiyadia group is certainly capable to create strong partnerships with advertisers and original devices and equipment manufacturersand telecommunications companies to create a seamless experience along the lines of what has been achieved in other markets used this products and services rendered by M-adcall digital , this is considered as a distinct period in mobile phone ads world and we are so delighted to enter the marketwith this advanced innovation
This is due to begin M-adcall digital to provide services in the UAE through this partnership with the Alquiaydia group and then expand to other markets in the region
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