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Eye of Riyadh
Healthcare | Friday 16 February, 2018 4:01 am |

Pink Caravan Elevates Efforts to Combat Breast Cancer with a New Achievement

The Higher Organsing Committee of the Pink Caravan Ride, the annual pan-UAE breast cancer awareness initiative that falls under the umbrella of Friends of Cancer Patients (FoCP), will hold a press conference at the Al Manzah Restaurant in Al Majaz Waterfront, Monday, 19 February 2018, to unveil a new achievement which will represent a new feather in their hat within the context of their on-going efforts for cancer control in the past seven years. The committee will also announce the programme details of the eight Pink Caravan Ride breast awareness campaign, which will travel across the seven emirates from February 28 to March 6 this year.


The conference will be attended by senior officials from leading institutions, sponsors and supporting entities, the volunteering team of medical staff and horse riders who will participate in the eight edition of the Pink Caravan Ride, and a host of media representatives. The three ‘key routes’ that this campaign will take, namely, the equine route, the medical route and the events route, will also be revealed at the conference.


Since its inception in 2011, the Pink Caravan has been actively engaged in highlighting the importance of early detection of breast cancer, and the repercussions of the disease the UAE society and economy have been facing. The ride has played a key role in dispelling misconceptions related to breast cancer, and offered support to patients and their families in need. The work FoCP and PCR have done in the past years have had a significant effect in reducing the spread of breast cancer and diminishing its progression to advanced stages through free medical examinations that have helped save lives of citizens and expatriates alike. Over the past seven years, the PCR campaign has offered free early-detection screenings to 48,873 people of different nationalities and ages, including 9,643 men. 

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