Saahil Mehta launches BREAK FREE, to bring diamond level clarity for decision makers to scale summits faster
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 24, 2021: Saahil Mehta an entrepreneur, passionate mountaineer, coach and now author launches his debut book BREAK FREE, a strategic decluttering guide to break-free and scale personal summits as he shares his personal mastery journey.
Commenting on the book launch, Saahil Mehta said, “Decluttering is a multi-step process that revolutionizes the way you live your life.”
“Decluttering for many is a therapeutic process and when done in the right way brings with it positive emotions like happiness, creativity, individuality, focus and confidence,” he added.
Passionate about conquering self-limiting mindsets through the book, Saahil believes that once you master the art of strategically tiding up the non-essentials from the 4 key dimensions (mind, body, people and material things) of life, you truly empower yourself to BREAK FREE from these illusions of limits and rise to manifest the best version of yourself.
Paradoxically on one hand Saahil leads his life with absolute ‘ahimsa’ the art of non-violence and evangelizes this virtue for all human beings; but when it comes to personal mastery & performance, he loves to destroy his limits and consistently conquer himself.
With his debut book BREAK FREE he shares his personal journey of how he transcended all odds to scale the summits of his dreams, and how one can dream up new personal summits every day, once they have mastered the art of decluttering life by adopting his fool-proof process of breaking free.
In his personal life, Saahil scaled 4 of the tallest mountains in the world- a dream that he harboured since his childhood. But only once he was able to conquer his self-limiting mindsets & habits he was able to re-invent the complete spectrum of life- from mental focus to physical excellence and from beautiful relationships to efficient environments with a singular focus on ‘de-cluttering’ what no longer serves his life’s true calling.
About Saahil Mehta and BREAK FREE
Saahil Mehta is an Entrepreneur, Author and a Passionate Mountaineer. Over the last 10 years Saahil scaled 4 of the tallest mountains in the world- a dream that he harbored since childhood. As a Global Citizen Saahil has built successful businesses across 3 continents, has written a book on personal disruption and coaches ambitious leaders on scaling their summit.