The bank provides both commercial and public sector banking services. It is a lead player in the debt-equity market, corporate investment banking, retail and consumerbanking, agricultural financing, treasuryservices.
National Bank of Pakistan has developed a wide range of consumer products, to enhance business and cater to the different segments of society and meet its social responsibilities. Some schemes have been specifically designed for the low to middle-income segments of the population. It has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for agriculture, business and industries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self-employment scheme for unemployed persons, public transport scheme. The Bank has expanded its range of products and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. It has also put in place a remittance service for overseas Pakistanis to send their money back to Pakistan. Customer Social Responsibility is a new department which provides social services for Education, health and women empowerment.