23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Savola Group

Savola Group

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Business & Money > Food & Beverages

The Savola Group is a Saudi public listed company and one of the largest diversified conglomerates in MENACA region (Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia) managing a wide portfolio of businesses. The company was established in 1979 with an initial SR 40 Million Capital & grew significantly in subsequent years to SR 5 Billion. It is now one of the most successful and fastest growing multinational food groups in the Gulf and the Middle East Region, North African and Central Asian countries (MENACA), and has a wide portfolio of businesses including three core sectors (Foods comprises of Edible Oils, Sugar and Noodles/Pasta, Retail and Plastics. The Group also has significant investments in leading publicly-listed Saudi companies, investment funds and real-estate businesses. Afia Arabia continues to enjoy market share leadership across its major operating markets, with a 56% market share in Saudi Arabia, approximately 21% in the Gulf States and 30% in the Levant markets and 75% of the Sugar market in the Kingdom as well as 181 Retail outlets Supermarkets/Hypermarkets including 145 Supermarkets/Hypermarkets in in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With regard to the investment portfolio, the Savola has major investment in Al Marai Dairy Company (36,52%), Herfy Foods Company (49%), Kinan Real Estate Co. (29.99%), Jordanian Tameer Company (5%), Founding Shareholder of Knowledge Economic City in Madinah and Founding Shareholder of King Abdullah Economic City in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia. Though The Savola Group achieved a record net profit of SAR 1.4 billion for 2012, an increase of 16.7% and expects to achieve SAR 1.5 billion (before capital gain and exceptional items) by the end of 2013.

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Abdulkarim Sabra Sunday 1 November, 2020 9:57 am
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