23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Bank AlJazira

Bank AlJazira

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Business & Money > Banks

AlJazira Bank is the from financial institutions leading the rapid growth, the "financial group Saudi Arabia put the customer at the center of their attention, and is always working on the development of innovative products and services are compatible with the provisions of Islamic law, and meet the needs of all customers from individuals, companies and organizations provided by qualified personnel and specialists are dedicated to customer service With regard to human resources, the bank has given the greatest importance of this aspect and strongly invested in it in order to upgrade the capabilities of its human resources in line with the steady growth in its products and services and channels and infrastructure. Through a series of initiatives resulted in the laying the management of human resources world-class characterized by a system of review and development with performance indicators to measure performance and incentive program and specialized training programs and constructive. The Bank maintained an effective working environment with long-term programs to recruit and retain national talent which led to the lifting of Saudization rate of 23% in 1994 to 87% at the end of the year 2009

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