23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Nova Water

Nova Water

Listed in :
Business & Money > Drinking Water Companies

Water: it is the most important natural resource on earth, and the most vital one for all forms of life, especially our own. Nova recognizes this essential role of healthy water as the key to human growth and vitality. We are therefore keen on playing a major role in the water industry, by pioneering the bottling of pure water right from the source. As such, it is our ultimate goal to provide our customers with pure drinking water, following the highest standards of quality.

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Shoaib khan Saturday 30 July, 2022 7:52 am
Sir give me job job in your company plz thank you
Nadeem Anwar Gill Friday 24 June, 2022 8:13 am
I need job
Imran miya thakurai Saturday 19 March, 2022 12:22 am
Assalamlaikum sir
My self Imran miya thakurai from Nepal.I am just 26 years old and want to start a business.
As you know sir Nepal is the second richest country in water resources in the world. And here in Nepal drinking water is also very suitable and clean and healthy for drinking. So i would like you to ask if possible we can collabrate and start a clean and pure drinking water to supply to Saudi Arabia.
My whatsapp details is +9779806968294.
If you like my idea you can contact me in whats ap
Mohd ali Thursday 23 September, 2021 11:01 am
I am mohd ali iam 28 years old I have done 12th class I know driwing I have driwing licence I want job your company for drive my mobile no 7835833287
Md hasan pathan Thursday 29 July, 2021 1:06 am
I am md hasan pathan.i am 28 years old. I from bangladesh. I have secondary higher education certificate. I know driving, i have heavy driving licences, i have fourth years experience driver, now i want to job your company for drive sales man...my mobile : 0565016954
NAYEMUR RAHMAN NAYEM Monday 22 March, 2021 9:32 pm
Dear Sir/Mamam,
I have been working with the Department of Driving in Saudi Arabia for three years .now I need a job at the moment. I have a request from your company to let me know if you need a driver.
Name :Nayemur Rahaman Nayem
Nationality: Bangladesh
Contract number:0568213786
السلام عليكم
عزيزي السيد،
  انا اعمل مع قسم القيادة في السعودية منذ ثلاث سنوات والآن انا بحاجة الى وظيفة في الوقت الحالي.  لدي طلب من شركتك لإعلامي إذا كنت بحاجة إلى سائق.
الاسم: نعيم رحمن نعيم
Chiranjeev Chaudhary Tuesday 30 April, 2019 9:42 am
Dear sir,

We are Filling & Packaging Machine manufacturer.And do complete setup for Packaged Drinking Water Project

We manufacturer all type of Pet Blowing Machine - manual to fully Automatic, 2 cavity to 6 cavity.

We manufacturer of A/M Bottle rinsing filling capping RFC Machine-30BPM to 320BPM

Also make BOPP labelling machine .

With very nominal price and good quality. You may come our factory to check all manufacturing process.

You can go through our Youtube Channel as : LEE MECH
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