23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
World Trade Centre Saudi

World Trade Centre Saudi

Listed in :
Business & Money > Serviced Offices

As a member of the World Trade Centers Association, WTC-Saudi is the international bridge between Saudi Arabia and the international markets. Our full fitted business hub as well as the huge portfolio range of services offered help both local and international companies to fully operate in the Saudi market on an immediate effect.

We help all the new comers to have the smooth landing by providing them the business environment in our prestigious serviced offices as well as our legal and legislative, government liaison, business visas issuance, in additional to complete business solutions through a wide range of professional business partners. We help as well on building your image through market research, campaigns, as well as hosting your events through our events and exhibitions platform. We are as well the launching pad for Saudi companies aiming to explore the international market through our presence in more than 300 business locations over more than 92 countries.

Simple, WTC Saudi is your one stop shop for Saudi Arabia and the whole world

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NAYEMUR RAHMAN NAYEM Monday 22 March, 2021 6:42 pm
Dear Sir/Mamam,
I have been working with the Department of Driving in Saudi Arabia for three years .now I need a job at the moment. I have a request from your company to let me know if you need a driver.
Name :Nayemur Rahaman Nayem
Nationality: Bangladesh
Contract number:0568213786
السلام عليكم
عزيزي السيد،
  انا اعمل مع قسم القيادة في السعودية منذ ثلاث سنوات والآن انا بحاجة الى وظيفة في الوقت الحالي.  لدي طلب من شركتك لإعلامي إذا كنت بحاجة إلى سائق.
الاسم: نعيم رحمن نعيم

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