23 Sha'aban 1446 - 21 February 2025
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Eye of Riyadh
Al Yusr Leasing & Finance

Al Yusr Leasing & Finance

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Business & Money > Credit & Finance Companies

Al Yusr Leasing, and Financing Co. was founded in 2004 as a subsidiary of Abdullatif Alissa Group Holding Co (AAGH). It has become the top choice in the world of finance thanks to its leading role in providing financing services across the Kingdom through the creation of miscellaneous financing programs that meet the needs of individuals and companies. Al Yusr Leasing, and Financing stands first among leasing and financing companies in the Kingdom. It is one of the fastest growing 100 companies in the Kingdom and has won a myriad of national, regional and international awards. In 2014, Al Yusr was given the license of the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) to perform finance lease activities, finance small and medium enterprises and productive assets, and provide consumer finance. Thanks to its innovative financing solutions and programs, Al Yusr has successfully established partnerships with many small and medium-sized enterprises. These programs and solutions cover the needs of companies. Whether these companies are in need of equipment to increase productivity or additional financing for business development, Al Yusr is always there for them. Shariah-compliant financing programs have unique features that serve many sectors including: Transport and logistics, Commercial and industrial sectors, Manufacturing sector, and Medical and health services sector.

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Abbas Monday 12 July, 2021 12:22 pm
In riyadh main office you have six counters for transfer car but only 3 or 2 working. And taking too much time. Wait more then two hours. Please take serious action on it.
Marina Monday 12 July, 2021 12:18 pm
Please active more counters to save time of your and our.
Zaheer Abbas Wednesday 3 February, 2021 7:20 pm
اسلام عليكم مساء الخير
I want to say one thing to youSir, I got a call from the company at night asking you to submit your installments late. I told them that I will do it in the morning.
The head company picked up my car at night. Now I have paid all the installments and he will not give me the car.
Om Gurung Tuesday 28 January, 2020 1:56 pm
I need to get an insurance copy as it is expired.
Avinash shejwal Friday 9 November, 2018 3:51 pm
Need loan.
Avinash shejwal Friday 9 November, 2018 3:51 pm
Need loan
Faisal Saturday 29 September, 2018 2:13 pm
جمال القحطاني ووالده متورطيت في سرقت ملايين من اليسر والمدير التنفيذي يعلم بذلك ولم يقم باي عمل ضدهم
Faisal Saturday 29 September, 2018 2:12 pm
جمال القحطاني ووالده متورطيت في سرقت ملايين من اليسر والمدير التنفيذي يعلم بذلك ولم يقم باي عمل ضدهم

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