2 Shawwal 1446 - 1 April 2025
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Ministry of Social Development

Ministry of Social Development

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Government Sectors > Ministries

The Ministry leads the social work march in its official and national sectors, assisted in shouldering the responsibility by institutions and agencies that continue to play a critical and important role in the fields of social services, and turning the wheels of social development and construction, in order to attain the Jordanian society's objectives of development and achievement. It believes that the spirit of the present era and requirements of life require being up-to-date in the world of science and modernization, working towards success, and transferring the Jordanian citizen into a better future.


The Ministry undertakes a number of activities, programs and services in areas such as the family, childhood, social defense, and special education. Activities associated with these issues are numerous, including planning, follow-up and improved performance, resulting in added dedication towards achieving the profound objectives sought in developing the human being and helping people help themselves, by themselves, for their benefit and for the interest of their society, thus realizing the famous proverb “It is better to teach someone how to fish than to give him a fish”. What a great thing it is to plant, and what a greater thing it is to harvest.


We thank the Almighty, from whom we receive support.



Public Services Directorates at the Ministry


·            Family and Childhood Directorate:  The Family and Childhood Directorate aims at preserving the Jordanian family cohesion and protecting it from disintegration and delinquency through a continuous process of awareness and preventive and curative programs, providing basic social services and achieving proper social upbringing for the Jordanian child in all aspects, and works towards providing and improving child services in all aspects, providing the opportunities for the child to express himself/herself, show his/her capabilities, satisfy his/her needs and utilize his/her energies to the maximum, in addition to caring for children of broken families, providing them with respectable lives and educational opportunities, thus creating a generation that is proud of its nation.

The Directorate includes the following sections:

1.        Childhood Institutions Section.

2.        Nurseries Section.

3.        Guidance and Family Protection Section.

4.        Health Insurance Studies Section.


·            Social Defense Directorate: The objectives and aims of this Directorate emanate from the basic concept of social defense, based on the idea of protecting society from the dangers of crime and delinquency, through cooperation and coordination with the concerned authorities. This protection comes through the rehabilitation and training of the individual and re-introducing him/her into society.

The Directorate includes the following sections:

1.        Conduct Observation Section.

2.        Social Defense Institutions Section.

3.        Control of Mendacity and Homelessness Section.

4.        Social Protection Section.


·            Handicapped Affairs Directorate: This Directorate works in the field of patronage, education, rehabilitation, and employment of the handicapped from various age groups and classes, ensuring their incorporation in society through training programs and employment, and working at the education and awareness of citizens to limit potentials for disability as much as possible.

The Directorate includes the following sections:

1.        Vocational Training Section.

2.        Guidance and Education Section.

3.        Social Welfare Section.

4.        Employment of Handicapped Jordanians Section.


·            Directorate of Local Societies Development: The Ministry strives, through this Directorate, to contribute to achieving comprehensive and integrated economic and social development, and to work at developing local societies by utilizing material capabilities and human resources, and direct and employ them to effect change aimed at raising the levels of social and economic life in society.

The Directorate undertakes the following tasks:

Propose general policies to develop local societies, and participate in setting, implementing and evaluating plans and programs for developing local societies in coordination with concerned government and national authorities.

Organize and enhance personal and national efforts and coordinate government efforts in local societies to develop programs and activities to raise the level of local societies.

Supervise local and foreign voluntary agencies and coordinate their activities to increase the effectiveness of their performance and participation in development projects and programs.

Establish the Social and National Development and Service Centers and supervise them in accordance with prevailing regulations.

These tasks are implemented through three major routes:

1.        National Activity (charitable organizations).

2.        Social development centers.

3.        Social development projects and programs and enhancing personal         Efforts.       

The Directorate incorporates the following sections:

1.        Voluntary Organizations Section.

2.        Social Development and Projects Section.


·            Directorate of Poverty Monitoring and Social Security: The tasks of this Directorate are:

Field surveying and continued data collection regarding pockets of poverty and targeted groups, with the intention of discovering them around the Kingdom and preparing the necessary reports and recommendations, and referring them to the Studies and Research Directorate and the concerned authorities at the Ministry and outside, in order to treat the problem and devise appropriate solutions.

Deal with contingent and urgent poverty cases immediately in accordance with the set mechanism and approved authority.

Collection of data and information regarding poverty problems and cases in the Kingdom from various sources, utilizing available methods.

Propose programs, operating mechanisms and execution methods to deal with poverty at the individual and group levels and provide social security for them.

Propose media and information plans and programs capable of clarifying the nature of poverty, and reasons leading to it, to diagnose them and promote social awareness in order to avoid the dangers of poverty and protect against them and achieve social security in coordination with the Information and Social Education Directorate.

Follow-up on everything published regarding poverty issues in audio, visual and print media, and propose methods for treating them and prepare appropriate answers for each, in coordination and cooperation with the Information and Social Education Directorate.

Follow-up on Ministry decisions, activities and services in the area of combating poverty and social security, and provide proposals for activating them.

Record and document cases that are submitted to the Ministry or to the relevant authorities in a special register for the purpose of documentation and rapid reference to the required information.



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