2 Shawwal 1446 - 1 April 2025
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Tourism & Hospitality > Restaurants > Healthy Restaurants

You are lucky. You know why? Because You live in a time where pub-culture exists for EVERYONE! Did You know that prior to the 1960s pubs were exclusively for men? Where it was culturally unacceptable for a woman to drink in public, let alone be seen in a bar... but nothing would stand in the way of a woman and her liquor and so the Snug concept came to birth: a room attached to that bar the gentlemen cheered their drinks in, where women would also dumb their cultural chores to indulge and sip on their favorite drinks. A Snug is an ESCAPE HAVEN... but if you still want an exact definition there it is:

As per the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a Snug is “a room, building, or space that is... small, warm, and comfortable, and makes you feel protected & cozy”. This is everything Snug.Jo aspires to be and wants you to feel when you’re in the house, whether you’re a woman or a man. Come along, cozy up with your friend/s in the heart of Amman; Abdoun Circle.

Contact Snug

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